Africa is booming - there's no doubt about that! But some of the countries in the continent are really taking centre stage. One country in particular is Senegal. In this episode, we cover the political will present in the country that provides opportunities for businesses, NGOs and investors to engage with the country to further both social impact and sustainable development endeavours.
Episode 10: Why diplomacy in business?
In a rapidly globalising word, businesses are needing to engage more with governments. And with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations promoting more Private-Public partnerships, businesses are going to need a lot more political tact in order to engage with governments. This means employing diplomacy itself. In this episode, we explain why diplomacy in business is crucial, especially for businesses that foster sustainable development and social impact.
Episode 9: Paul O'Brien of Oxfam on the importance of NGOs working with political will
On today's episode, we speak with Paul O'Brien, VP for Policy and Advocacy at Oxfam America to discuss the importance of NGOs understanding political will in order to push forward both advocacy campaigns and development programs. Often seen as two roads that don't cross, Paul O'Brien goes over why it is important for NGOs to have more political savy when engaging with governments for a more sustainable outcome.
Episode 8: The Top 5 to Watch in 2019
It's a new year, yet surprisingly old conflicts and baggage keep following. 2018 was a dynamic year and no doubt remnants of past events will inspire potential events in 2019. In this episode, we provide you with "The Top 5 to Watch in 2019" in both business and global affairs to guide you on opportunities and risks in both sustainable development and diplomatic engagement.
Episode 7: Merry Christmas and Thank you
With the holiday seasons in gear, we want to take the opportunity to wish all our listeners, fans, and subscribers a joyous and Happy Christmas. At the same time, we just want to say thank you! Tune in to listen to our holiday greeting to you all. Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! God Jul!! عيد ميلاد سعيد
Episode 6: Can we invest during conflict?
In September 2017, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) launched the new endeavour entitled “Humanitarian Impact Bonds” (HIBS) with the intention to sanction money from the private sector towards development in conflict zones. But can this be of benefit? How does it work and if it does work, how do we spread the word? We discuss more about the potential for HIBs in today’s episode.
Episode 5: Protests in France - a solution
The past few weeks have seen immense rioting all over France in response to President Emmanuel Macron's proposal to raise taxes on diesel fuel as a method to tackle carbon emission. The result was sparked anger from many workers already feeling the weight of heavy taxes and confusing many in the outside world on the status of order in France . Without a doubt, reducing carbon emission is crucial but what can be done to tackle this and not disempower citizens? We discuss both the background of protests in France, insight on the current one and a solution to appease both issues.
Episode 4: The importance of cross cultural diplomacy (Conversations with Tayo Rockson)
How vital is cross-cultural diplomacy in today’s world? How important is it in business? We invite Tayo Rockson, CEO of UYD Management and speaker of the highly viewed TEDx talk “The Art of Diplomacy” to speak to us what we can learn from diplomats on cultural communication to apply to business and everyday life.
Episode 3: Keeping up with Rwanda
More than 20 years since the horrific Rwandan Genocide leaving around one million Rwandans dead, the country has made a complete 360 degree change, becoming East Africa’s most up-and-coming emerging economy. Listen in to this quick overview and find our how Rwanda is committed to both global growth through sustainability and dynamic development.
Episode 2: Conversations with d'Arcy Lunn on governments and the SDGs
In this episode, we speak with international humanitarian and Founder of Teaspoons of Change, d’Arcy Lunn on how to get governments onboard for adopting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.
Episode 1: What is diplomacy in international development?
In our inaugural episode, we define the key theme in this podcast - diplomacy in international development - and explain why it is vital for international businesses and affairs.