
Episode 10: Why diplomacy in business?

In a rapidly globalising word, businesses are needing to engage more with governments. And with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations promoting more Private-Public partnerships, businesses are going to need a lot more political tact in order to engage with governments. This means employing diplomacy itself. In this episode, we explain why diplomacy in business is crucial, especially for businesses that foster sustainable development and social impact.

Episode 4: The importance of cross cultural diplomacy (Conversations with Tayo Rockson)


How vital is cross-cultural diplomacy in today’s world? How important is it in business? We invite Tayo Rockson, CEO of UYD Management and speaker of the highly viewed TEDx talk “The Art of Diplomacy” to speak to us what we can learn from diplomats on cultural communication to apply to business and everyday life.