climate change

Episode 44: Updates on climate change - can businesses help save the planet?

The UN has released a report this week with very dire news - we're failing to meet the Paris Agreement Goals. The threats of climate change continues to loom but is there a chance that businesses can help pick up the slack from governments in saving the planet? We speak with climate activist Chiara Soletti on the recent UN report and updates during Climate Week this past September as well as food for thought for businesses to get on board.

Episode 29: Hot Talks with Chiara Soletti - Climate change and Brazil

On this inaugural series of Hot Talks, where we invite experts to discuss key themes pertinent to diplomacy in international development, we sit down with Chiara Soletti of the Italian Climate Network to discuss recent threats made by the Bolsonaro administration in Brazil against both the Amazon and the indigenous populations. We discuss the potential threat to the global climate that this move could have and highlight the opportunity that is present for both businesses and NGOs in taking up the role where government may be missing.

Episode 5: Protests in France - a solution

The past few weeks have seen immense rioting all over France in response to President Emmanuel Macron's proposal to raise taxes on diesel fuel as a method to tackle carbon emission. The result was sparked anger from many workers already feeling the weight of heavy taxes and confusing many in the outside world on the status of order in France . Without a doubt, reducing carbon emission is crucial but what can be done to tackle this and not disempower citizens? We discuss both the background of protests in France, insight on the current one and a solution to appease both issues.