Episode 32: Italy's need for sustainable development

Italy has been suffering from low economic growth and mass brain drain for the past decade, seeing the country fall faster and faster into a downward spin. But what role can sustainable development play in saving the country? What are the current gaps? In today's episode, we uncover the current Italian dynamics to understand the potential for sustainable development to lead to higher impact and growth for the country. 

Episode 12: Life After Economic Sanctions

For years, the preferred method of US Foreign Policy against states deemed dangerous were economic sanctions. From Sudan to Iran, sanctions have proved to be more harmful to the people on the ground than the government. But with sanctions lifted from Sudan in 2017 and the EU rigorously trying for the sake of their businesses to bypass re-emerging sanctions from the USA against Iran, what are the opportunities that lay for NGOs, impact investors and businesses when the curtains of sanctions are lifted? And what is the political will present for them? Our Director and Host Gesu Antonio Baez dives into the question to find out more.